The gay sex guide was born out of a request made by a younger friend I met online who had is first approach to male-to-male sex, and wasn't really satisfied. He told me "somebody should have taught me more as I must have done something wrong".
Thinking about this, I went over the web and looked for some guides about a gay sex guide. There are many sites who deal with this, however most of them are missing the point. they're either too "scientific" in their approach, or too "politically correct" about safe-sex, ora they don't display pictures or... they simply lack hands-on experience.
So I started putting together a series of suggestions, that I published as post onto the GaySpirit Tumblr, and I am continuing to do so there.
So why this "second edition" of the guide? Well mainly because Tumblr is perfect as an instant-blogging platform. However it is difficult to invest there to put content in evidence etc. Whereas Blogger is much easier to manage, and I would like this site to stay over time, maybe checking and correcting here and there the structure of the blog itself.
It needs of course to be considered as a work in progress as I have planned to write several more articles over time.
Any contribution is welcome from everybody, so please comment as much as you want!